
The Buffalo NewsThe Buffalo News am 2020-03-26 12:28

It's March and there's a pandemic. So what's going on with school budgets?

Its March, and normally school superintendents would be figuring out how to lower taxes in next years budget, as well as checking the prospects for ...

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Diese Schlagzeile nennt Mary B. Pasciak, Jay Rey, Thomas P., Michael Cornell, Paul Casseri, Jeffrey R. Rabey, Richard Timbs, Clark Godshall, aber auch über Sean Ryan, aber auch Buffalo News, Great Recession, Buffalo Superintendent Kriner Cash, New York State School Boards Association, Statewide School Finance Consortium und ebenfalls über Assembly’s Education Committee, aber auch Hamburg, Lewiston, New York, Depew, Albany, Orléans und darüber hinaus über Williamsville, entdeckt auf The Buffalo News