
The Buffalo NewsThe Buffalo News am 2019-09-26 15:29

'A jewel in the wetlands of the U.S.': Niagara River earns world recognition

The Niagara River, long appreciated on both sides of the U.S.-Canadian border, will soon receive global recognition as an environmental ...

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Eine Schlagzeile zu Thomas J. Prohaska, Patrick Kaler, Andrea Czopp, Strawberry Island, Said Ryan Mc Pherson, Kim D. Connolly, Lynda Schneekloth, Cade M. London und zu Jajean Rose und ebenfalls Central High School and St. Bonaventure University, Buffalo News, American side of Niagara Falls, Law School’s Environmental Advocacy Clinic, United States, Everglades National Park, Ramsar Convention Secretariat, Niagara River und ebenfalls zu Visit Buffalo Niagara President und Lockport, Great Lakes, Schweiz, Niagara Falls, Brock University, Canada, Lake Ontario, Iran, New York, San Francisco, Estuary, Chesapeake und zu Florida, veröffentlicht auf The Buffalo News.