
The Buffalo NewsThe Buffalo News am 2019-02-03 13:58

Nate McMurray may have lost – but he's never stopped running for Congress

Democrat Nathan McMurray lost his race to represent the voters of New Yorks 27th Congressional District by a mere 1,087 votes back in November – but ...

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Dieser Text enthält Erwähnungen von David Lynch, Jerry Zremski, Nate Mc Murray, Christopher M. Grant, Bob Mc Carthy, Judith A. Hunter, Jeremy Zellner, Said Mc Murray und zu Chris Collins Of Clarence und ebenfalls Memorial Reporting Award, Buffalo News, DCCC, National Democrats, Congressional District und zu Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, aber auch Washington, الاسكندرية, Livingston, Rochester, Erie, Grand Island, Napoli, Geneseo und auch zu Hamburg, veröffentlicht auf The Buffalo News